Your Choice - Our Oceans- Everyone's Future

When you choose to support MCERC programs, your impact is significant

“How wonderful that no one need wait a single moment to improve the world.” – Anne Frank
Donations support critical research
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Julie listening to singer
Listen to whales sing from your adoption packages

Suction cup tags collect critical video, audio, and measure data while animals do what they do undisturbed

(PC: Eugene Kitosis)


What are suction cup data tags?

Suction cup tags, like this CATs tag ( are non-invasive devices with built-in cameras, pressure sensors, accelerometers, gps, and other measuring tools. Data collected by these tags make it possible to better understand the behaviors of marine megafauna, such as humpback whales, dolphins, orcas, and sharks. The more we understand the positive and negative impacts to marine habitats, the better we are able to protect and safely share the critically important ecosystems with all species on earth.

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Copyright and photo credit information All images posted to the MCERC website are copyright protected. Images are the property of MCERC or the original photographer who has granted MCERC expressed permission in writing for use of their images. Photographs shall not be reproduced or shared for any purpose unless the owner of the images has given permission in writing.