MCERC Global Commitment

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

MCERC operations are based in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, USA. Programs and activities are conducted within the USA and internationally. Faculty members include scientists and educators who teach programs during a break from their full time positions in academia and industry. Staff are senior scientists and professionals accomplished in their field. The websites and social media pages are run by volunteers without financial compensation for the many hours dedicated to assure our communication tools are updated and working well.

Faculty, staff, students, scientists, and volunteers from every corner of the globe are the network of people who make up the global ambassadors for marine conservation. 

We understand that bringing together people from different geographic regions, religions, languages, customs, ages, and genders, all help create a culture of respect and collaboration at MCERC. We’re proud to be able to say that experiences shared through MCERC research and education programs have friendships which continue to thrive across the miles and over borders. 

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